Collaborative law in Texas gives divorcing couple more control

When a couple is getting a divorce, the individual parties may feel a range of emotions, including frustration and anger toward the other party. In this situation, it may be difficult for them to come together to make fair and rational decisions about how to handle the property and other assets they have shared in the past. However, a recent article highlights how collaborative law in Texas can make the divorce proceeding easier if both parties are willing to put their differences aside and work together to make decisions.

Collaborative law involves allowing a couple who is calling it quits to get divorced on their own terms rather than on the terms of a judge in court. With the help of a potentially large collaborative law team, the couple can make informed decisions about how to best split their assets and handle complex matters such as spousal support and child support, depending on the couple’s situation. In this way, they don’t need a judge to make final decisions about their fates for them.

A couple needs to be willing to focus on reaching common ground during the negotiation process in order for collaborative law to be beneficial for them. They both need to be willing to communicate with one another and understand each other’s viewpoints. If they can work toward compromise, both parties increase their chances of walking away from the negotiation table happier.

When a judge is involved in a divorce proceeding in Texas, the divorcing couple may be forced to accept life-altering decisions that they don’t necessarily want. They have more control over their financial futures if they take advantage of the collaborative law process when going through a divorce. It is within the rights of a divorcing spouse to pursue legal guidance in an effort to reach mutual decisions with their spouse that are in their own best interest during the complex process of divorce.

Source: Huffington Post, Divorce Confidential: Should I Negotiate or Litigate My Divorce?, Caroline Choi, Sept. 25, 2013