How to Handle False Accusations With Care During Divorce

Divorce is an emotional time. It’s common for a spouse to accuse the other falsely, alleging child or spousal abuse, stalking and threats. Unfortunately, even unfounded allegations can harm your case. You must handle this situation with care by following court orders and taking steps to defend yourself in court.

Restraining Order? Don’t Try and Work Things Out.

If the false accusations have resulted in a restraining order against you, it’s best to follow the order and stay away. It’s tempting to want to reach out to your spouse in hopes of working things out. Doing so could work against you in the form of breaking a court order, however.

False Accusations During Divorce | Law Office of V. Wayne Ward | iStock-916862254
817-789-4436 – Have you been accused of child or spousal abuse, threatening or stalking? False accusations can hurt your case. Learn more by visiting us today.

How to Handle False Accusations With Care

There are steps you can take to defend yourself against false accusations.

  1. Gather evidence: Although it’s frustrating to need to prove allegations false, you must do so in court to reach a positive outcome. Start by gathering evidence. For example, if your spouse is alleging child abuse, you could speak to a few character witnesses or present your clean record.
  2. Take notes: Throughout your divorce proceedings, it’s best to take notes, especially if children are involved. For example, jot down the dates and times you pick up your children from your spouse. Or, should you see your spouse in public, make note of it. This will help to prevent any further allegations.
  3. Cooperate: During this time, you may come into contact with various individuals due to the claims against you. For example, you may need to undergo a protective services investigation. Although it isn’t the best of circumstances, it’s best to cooperate. Lashing out in anger or retaliating will only work against you in court.
  4. Call an attorney: Each divorce case is different. A skilled divorce attorney will be able to guide you through the best steps to take to clear your name, depending on your situation.

Defend Yourself by Reaching Out to a Divorce Attorney

To ensure a favorable outcome, you must defend yourself against false accusations. Don’t try to do it alone. Instead, reach out to an experienced divorce attorney. To speak with someone from our team, send us a message. 817-789-4436