Are happy children more prone to divorce than unhappy children?

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Cambridge made some very interesting revelations regarding the general happiness of children and their propensity to divorce based upon their respective levels of happiness.

The results of the study may surprise you.

Specifically, researchers examined data gathered on 2,776 participants (i.e., children ranging in age from 13-15) during a 1946 British birth survey. In essence, the study consisted of teachers awarding the children positive points for demonstrating any of the following characteristics:

  • Extremely energetic, little to no signs of fatigue
  • The ability to make friends rather easily
  • Unusual happiness and contentment
  • Popularity with classmates

However, the teachers also awarded the children negative points for demonstrating any of the following characteristics:

  • Impatience
  • Insolence/disobedience
  • Daydreams
  • Anxiety
  • Timidity

Researchers went on to compare these compiled scores with the children’s circumstances many years later, when they reached middle age.

The results revealed that the children who earned positive rankings from their teachers were generally happy as adults. This meant that they were more likely to regularly engage in social activities, derive more pleasure from their occupation, and regularly visit with both family and friends.

The surprising result of the study was that these same people were not more likely to be married, but rather more likely to secure a divorce.

The reason?

Researchers theorize that those people who were happier as children grew up with a stronger sense of self-worth, confidence and contentment. Consequently, they are far less likely to remain in a bad marriage that diminishes their happiness.

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This post is for informational purposes only and is not to be construed as legal advice.

Related Resources:

Happy teens tend to be happy adults, but more likely to divorce (Psych Central)