Divorce Mediation: A Viable Alternative to Traditional Divorce

The simple truth is that a prolonged divorce can take a significant emotional toll on your family and cost both spouses a considerable amount of money. What about those couples who get along with one another reasonably well and who are willing to work together to resolve key divorce issues (i.e., child support, spousal maintenance, child custody, property division)? Do they have options outside of the courtroom?  Fortunately, these couples do have one very viable option for ending their marriage on relatively peaceful and productive terms: divorce mediation.

Today’s post is the first in a series. It is designed to provide some basic information about divorce mediation and debunk common misperceptions.

I’ve heard quite a bit about divorce mediation. What exactly is it?

Simply put, divorce mediation is a less costly and less combative method of dissolving your marriage.

In mediation, the former spouses (both of whom may be represented by an attorney) meet in a neutral location to resolve important divorce issues.

These issues include:

  • Child support
  • Spousal maintenance
  • Child custody
  • Property division

The mediation session is run by a neutral third party mediator who works to facilitate both a constructive dialogue and mutual cooperation.

Is the mediator allowed to give any party legal advice?

The mediator cannot offer either party legal advice. As previously stated, their only responsibility is to encourage and guide the former spouses toward mutually acceptable solutions.

Remember, either spouse is free to bring an attorney to the mediation if they would like legal advice to be readily available.

What can divorcing couples hope to gain from divorce mediation?

Divorce mediation saves divorcing couples time, money and anxiety. It also enables families to move forward with a new chapter of their lives and allows divorcing couples to remain on amicable terms.

In addition, divorce mediation allows couples to make the important decisions, not a judge who has a limited knowledge of their unique circumstances.

This post is for informational purposes only and is not to be construed as legal advice. Contact a legal professional to learn more about divorce mediation.

Stay tuned for more from our Ft. Worth family law blog …

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